Friday, March 11, 2011

My Creek

My Creek

I watch as the water hits the rocks,
and stick my feet in and soak my socks.

The beuty of the ripples before it fades,
my sister thinks they're made by little mermaids.

Living in the water would be a dream,
in the water seeing the suns bright gleam.

Living in water, with marine life of fish,
Breath under water would be my wish.

I guess it's for a short while,
but it'd be kinda boring living in a nile.

So I prefer land over water,
even if today is a little hotter...



Inside a dungeon to do the chores,
only a dog will tend my sores.

Only a window to shed some light,
and only at 12 can I see the light.

Ropes on my hands chains on my feet
and all flat ground, not even a seat.

Someday I'll escape, and be free from that room,
but as of now, my fate is doom.

Who is my master... I don't know,
He'll enter the room, but the face he will not show.

Will you save me, lead me to fredom?
if not I can't blame you, noone else will come.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Without You...

Dedicated to that speical girl I know...

I wake in the morning and see your face,
nothing in the world can your place.

I see you every week and I treasure that day,
I want to do something, but I don't know what to say...

What would I do if I did'nt know you?
If you were to leave... what would I do?

I need to through life, in every week.
I need you each day, for something to seek.

I dare not discrase your name in any way...
But I'll love you...
every day.

The Moon & The Sun

The Moon & The Sun

The moon and the sun both shed light,
but only one of these spheres are bright.

The sun goes down when the day is done,
and the moon get light off the refletion of the sun.

The moon you can touch, but the sun... it's not that easy...
If your ever out in space you'll feal kinda queasy.

I never cold see the man in the moon,
but someday, I'm gunna be there soon.

I know it sounds kiddish, and kinda dumb,
but I want to hear the engine's "hum..."

Why're you still reading? This poetry is done...
But don't you forget: The Moon and The Sun

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rainy Day

The Rainy Day

I sit at the window and watch the rain fall,
I try to find birds and hear the fine call.

With so many things, there's nothing to play
but sadly my parents don't think that way...

I never like the rain, but I do love water,
I hate the cold, I prefer things hotter.

If you don't think that way, I can't blame you.
actualy, the rest of my famley thinks that way too.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Poetry

Sometimes poetry can be in pros. Basicly, pros is just poetry without the rythming. Poetry like William Shakespear, the best known poet, his poetry was the type where each sentence was supposed to have a curtain amount of sylables.

And here's my regullar poetry:
The Eagle
Free in the air to do what it wants, the eagle can fly as ruler of all taunts.
Free in the air to fly and caw, this fine bird goes by no law.
I wish I could fly, and sour through the air, skimming the the sky with the wind in hair.
I look ahead and see the suns bright gleam, and awake to find all was a dream.

Man in the Fire
The fire cracks with the sound of a whip, the flames stur around and make the sound: 'snip!'
The flame goes back and forth like a lizards tounge, I saw a man in the fire but he was not stung.
He criad out: "I died for you, I love you and  yet you don't belive me. Come to me, or satan will decive!"
And then while fading, he drew a mighty sword. He smiled at me and said: "I am Christ the Lord!"

It's not the best poetry in the world, but it's the best I can do.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

About Me

I'm a poet, but I don't know the best way to say it,
I want to be a detective, but I don't have a cool kit...

I love the outdoors but I enjoy a good video game,
Star Wars, Star Trek? I don't care they're both the same.

People think I'm random, I like the name Stanley.
I'm really not wierd, but it runs in the familey.

I'm a fighter, I'm a bounty, but I hate to kill.
Every time I see blood I get a slight chill.

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