Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Poetry

Sometimes poetry can be in pros. Basicly, pros is just poetry without the rythming. Poetry like William Shakespear, the best known poet, his poetry was the type where each sentence was supposed to have a curtain amount of sylables.

And here's my regullar poetry:
The Eagle
Free in the air to do what it wants, the eagle can fly as ruler of all taunts.
Free in the air to fly and caw, this fine bird goes by no law.
I wish I could fly, and sour through the air, skimming the the sky with the wind in hair.
I look ahead and see the suns bright gleam, and awake to find all was a dream.

Man in the Fire
The fire cracks with the sound of a whip, the flames stur around and make the sound: 'snip!'
The flame goes back and forth like a lizards tounge, I saw a man in the fire but he was not stung.
He criad out: "I died for you, I love you and  yet you don't belive me. Come to me, or satan will decive!"
And then while fading, he drew a mighty sword. He smiled at me and said: "I am Christ the Lord!"

It's not the best poetry in the world, but it's the best I can do.

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